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Set up a Flow

To create an new flow, click the Create a new flow button. This opens a new JSON file in your default text editor.

  1. Use the given template, modifying only the function parameters and names as needed.
  2. Understand the chaining concept: each function's output becomes the input for the subsequent function in the sequence.
  3. Ensure your prompts keep the $VARIABLE format for chaining to work correctly.
  4. The final JSON snippet for an advanced workflow might look like this:
"icon": "scripts_text",
"function_sequence": [
"function": "PICK_FILE_DIALOG",
"params": ["txt"],
"output": "$FILE_PATH"
"function": "LOAD_FILE",
"params": ["$FILE_PATH"],
"output": "$FILE_CONTENTS"
"params": ["YourAgent", "TRANSCRIPT: \n\n$FILE_CONTENTS"],
"function": "ANOTHER_FUNCTION",
"params": ["$PROCESSED_CONTENT"],
"output": "$FINAL_OUTPUT"
"function": "SAVE_FUNCTION",
"params": ["$FINAL_OUTPUT"]

Remember, each output should align with the expected params in the next function to maintain the chain. This allows you to build complex processes by connecting simple tasks.


If you have a lot of flows, you can organize them into folders.